Monday, March 23, 2015

Solutions Fill In The Blank Worksheet

Solutions Worksheet                                  Name: ___________________________

1. Cars pollute our air but driving SUVs is like driving _____ cars at once everywhere.

2. We can stop greedy businesses by
    A. buying stuff we see in commericals
    B. supporting union made and sweatshop free products
    C. supporting greedy businesses so they have more money

3. Why is it good to check the tags inside of clothing to see if they're "Made in the
    A. because clothes made in other countries are likely made by workers who are
         not treated fairly
    B. because clothes not made in the U.S. might smell funny
    C. because clothes from other countries might be lost or stolen

4. How can we find clothes that are made in the U.S.?
    A. by buying any clothes sold in the U.S.
    B. by buying any clothes considered the most popular brands
    C. by searching for "union made" and "sweatshop free" clothing

5. What are some things we can do to avoid the pollution that SUVS and cars make?
    A. buy premium gas and make sure the engine doesn't overheat
    B. by walking, taking the bus or train, riding a bike, or hybrid or electric car
    C. using natural gas in our cars and SUVs

6. What is just as important as recycling?
    A. having a really cool phone with lots of features and sounds
    B. making lots of money
    C. reusing what we have and not buying stuff we don't need

7. Bottled water sold in stores is actually tap water from the sink half the time
    Circle One:            True             False

8. Making plastic bottles for water...
    A. isn't done that much so it's ok
    B. causes pollution and hurts the planet in many different ways
    C. is better for dogs because they hate to drink tap water out of the sink

9. What is cheap and good for the environment to clean your home with?
    A. soda and orange juice
    B. alcohol and bleach
    C. vinegar and baking soda

10. What do you think is the point of this song?

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